lauantai 21. heinäkuuta 2012

it's been rather busy...

First of all, sorry for not updating things here in few days...

It has been rather busy, since we finally got the weather for flying. We finnished the power contest in one day, which was a very good thing! You can find the results here.
After the contest, we had a nice price giving ceremonies followed by a rather cool - and long dinner.

Then the power guys went home and the glider guys came here.

On thursday we had a very nice weather for training flights, and friday morning we had briefing again at 8:00. We had to wait for a few hours for the clouds to dry out and cloud base rise high enough and then we started the contest flights, first with knowns and then with free programs. I was calling the figures to the danish judge, since his assistant left back home with the power team. That was good practise for next year.  Although a bit challenging since all the calling was to be made in english.

Well, we managed to fly 2 rounds today, so tomorrow we're going to fly the unknowns, starting with briefing at 9:00. The results are here, almost in real time...  and we'll have nice time to get ready for the closing ceremonies tomorrow evening.

You know, this is a lot of work. But I am loving every moment of it.

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