sunnuntai 6. marraskuuta 2011

Future contests...

This weekend was the annual CIVA meeting in Krakow. Turku Flying club together with Finnish Aeronautical Assossiation got the honour to host the 2013 World Glider Aerobatic Championships. 

The team congratulates SIL (FAA) and Turku flying club!

Before that, the next year's contest will be in Dubnica, Slovakia. So see you there!

maanantai 19. syyskuuta 2011

and few photos from last weekend

Just a few photos from last weekend...

First, the visitors...

Cirrus OH-GTS

OH-XXV "varttimarkka" PIK-25
Piper PA-28 OH-PAC

Cessna 152 OH-COA
Diamond DA-40 OH-DDA
Valmet Vinka OH-VAA
Beechcraft OH-BMH
A line up
Europa OH-XRT

Then the planes who participated the aerobatic camp ...

Tow plane for the gliders, Rallye OH-SED
Tow plane and a glider
ASK 21 OH-546 from Räyskälä, thanks for the loan!


and another of it...

OH-CBZ from Hyvinkää

And another Cessna OH-CGL with very nice paintjob. Or non excisting paintjob.

Christen Eagle OH-XEA
OH-XPF, Pitts Special

Raimo "the saint" Nikkanen, and the SMOKE ON! OH-XPA

OH-XRV and OH-XEZ, two Van's RV-8
 Then we also had some training for the airshows...

Fournier RF5 OH-383

And the two of them, OH-383 and OH-392

again, the same couple...

and the break up :)

This one was a real beauty, an old, perfectly restored Viima

 Oh yeah, about the photos. Taken by my 9-year old daughter...

lauantai 17. syyskuuta 2011

Season Finale...

I think now it is over - untill spring. This weekend we'll have the last aerobatic camp for this year and I have to say this weekend has been a big surprise for all of us. In a good way.

The camp is held in Oripää, again, which has been found very good place to arrange things like this. Here is few small cottages and a big clubhouse, no bar or restaurant but the club offers very nice prices for breakfast and also something to eat for the evening. Lunch we normally have in some restaurant close the airfield but today the club offered some pea soup for all. Why, you might wonder. Well, today was also an "open house" for the airfield and airclub, and there were many planes visiting from other fields but also people drove here to see the place, meet people and watch flying. And there were many people.

I have to say, I was very pleased that we had several planes for the camp, 2xCessnas (OH-CBZ and (OH-CGL), 1xCap(OH-IAC), 2xPitts special (OH-XPF and OH-XPA), 1xChristen Eagle (OH-XEA), 1xRV8 (OH-XRV), 1x ASK21  (OH-546) and 1xAcro (D-6196). what did I forgot? Oh yes, 1xYak52 (OH-JAK) :)

A lot of pilots and everyone was smiling after the day. Most interesting part was, this was the first time we had gliders and power planes together, but we had a very good judge here to observe and give feedback for both, Timo Bartholdi. And I owe him a big thank you for also teaching me how to judge.

I was asked to monitor the airfield frequency since there is no atc ( I definately was NOT and air traffic controller, just observing and answering questions like "which runway is in use" and such).There was a lot of visitors coming by plane, I'd say 20-30 planes, at least, and that is a lot here. I mean A LOT! And that means a lot of traffic, a lot of talking on the radio and so on. But everyone flied well and everyone listened to others. One only problem with one plane was, that we heard that he was transmitting, but nothing came through... well, I went to him, we tested the equipment and the other headset he had onboard worked fine, so he could also return home (or continue his travel) safely. Problem solved. Although not much judging for me.

Even our fournier duo practiced today and it was very beautiful. The planes are beauties and the pilots are professionals. Absolutely beautiful. We also saw old Finnish Viima in the air, and a big radial engine is always nice to listen. Not to mention that the plane is also a very nice biplane. I would love to add some photos here, but I left the cord home so I can¨t get the photos from the camera to the computer :P

Ok, not much time spent judging, but a lot of time spent well at the airfield with good friends. I think one of the best things today was the expression on one pilots face - he was so happy. It was the first time he flied spins and loops with a Cessna. The expression on his face. The light and happiness and a biiiiiig smile. Just priceless.

sunnuntai 28. elokuuta 2011

PCD - Post Contest Depression

now while I am sitting in the office after contest, watchin out of the window when people get tows and fly out there, I can only think back the past summer. Most of it you can read from here, some of the things are better left untold :)

Anyway yesterday we flew the last contest of the season. The weather did give us a bit of  a hard time in the morning, but late afternoon we were able to start the flights and managed to pull all 3 rounds for both sportsman and intermediate. Yes I know sportsman flies only 2 rounds, but since there was possibility and will, they flew an extra round just for the practice, it did not affect on the scores but as a judges, we gave them scores and feedback, which I hope was usefull to them.

Contest was a bit of challenging to arrange, since in the intermediate every pilot flew the same plane, our acro and in the sportsman everyone flew another plane, ASK 21. There was supposed to be a Pilatus B4 and PIK-20 D in the sportsman, but due some technical errors, all 5 pilots flew the same ASK... So, we started with a sportsman pilot, next was intermediate, then sportsman again, intermediate and so on... that way we were able to get the fligts done in one day, and I have to say, with  2 towplanes and 2 towpilots... those guys did an awesome job. So thank you Kimmo & Kimmo :D

The last flights were flown late in the evening, we are lucky here that we have a lot of sunlight even now, and the sun sets a bit after 8 so we could keep on flying till then. And yes, I know you are getting excited who did what in the contest, so here are the brief results.

Sportsman Overalls
Rank   Pilot                               Known #1   Free #1     Totals     O/all %
1         Janne Nyyssönen           1061,67       1076,00    2137,67    72,96
2         Petri Mikkilä                  1049,33       1048,00    2097,33    71,58
3         Erkki Soinne                   989,50        960,67     1950,17     66,56
4         Mika Laajalahti               830,67       1003,83    1834,50     62,61
5         Tomi Ylinen                    847,67        980,67      1828,33    62,40

Intermediate Overalls
Rank  Pilot                              Known #1    Free #1     Unk'n #1    Totals   O/all %
1        Ville Sulkakoski            1492,17          1308,00     1144,00      3944,17   80,00
2         Toivo Huovinen            1515,33         1248,17     1144,67       3908,17  79,27
3         Sami Mäntyharju          1471,83         1278,67     1144,67       3895,17  79,01
4         Mikko Luukkanen        1452,83         1240,33     1199,00       3892,17  78,95
5         Jukka Pelto-Aho          1426,83         1252,17     1056,17       3735,17  75,76
6         Jyrki Viitasaari              1407,17         1128,50     1174,67       3710,33  75,26

So a big thanks to all in the contest, the organisation, contest director, startline director, office, judges, pilots and of course all the volunteers working here this weekend. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.
Now it is soon time to head home and start another week at work. The next event for me will be the RC  Freestyle contest in Jämi in few weeks, after that an aerobatic camp in Oripää and then it looks like the season is really over. How do I survive the winter?

lauantai 27. elokuuta 2011

weather problems...

On saturday morning a well known text message reached us a bit after 7am... briefing postponed to 10.30. The weather is still too low, but there are hopes that later in the afternoon we will fly, at least the split program.

As a request, here is some information about the contest organisation and the pilots. The contest director is Pekka Kamppinen. We have three judges present, Otto Ahonen as the scoring chief judge, Jukka Jusslin and Hanna Räihä as normal judges. Pekka Kakko is assisting on the judge line. On the startline is the President of local airclub Hannu Lehtinen and we also have few volunteers here to help. Big thank you for everyone.

We have 11 pilots all together in the contest, 5 in the sportsman and 6 in the intermediate. Since we are flying according the IAC rules, there are no advanced or unlimited pilots.

Janne Nyyssönen
Mika Laajalahti
Petri Mikkilä
Erkki Soinne
Tomi Ylinen

Ville Sulkakoski
Jukka Pelto-Aho
Sami Mäntyharju
Jyrki Viitasaari
Toivo Huovinen
Mikko Luukkanen

It is nice to have this many pilots, a few more than previous years. That is easily explained since in Finland there has been glider aerobatics only for few years, I think from 2005. Correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, this has only short history in Finland.

Now just hope for the clouds to disappear.

perjantai 26. elokuuta 2011

Rainy day

Today was the first day of finnish nationals in Kauhava. We got the first 2 flights done and then the rain came. Even we did have very good weather service, the forecast was bad and eventually we cancelled the day. Tomorrow we will try to fly at least the known and free programs, if sunday allows the unknowns. Kauhava is quite famous of its morning fogs, so we'll see what happens tomorrow. The "normal" forecast is promising sun and warm weather which alone will cause fog in the morning, but we'll see what happens. Weather is probably the only thing we can't do anything about. Except keeping our fingers crossed.

Cancelling the day was definately the right decision, since it has been slightly raining the whole evening. Some of the participants went for a dinner and then hanged out for a while. Now it is time to get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day too. And I am still exhausted from my previous contest trips.

torstai 25. elokuuta 2011

Finnish Glider Aerobatic Nationals

Today after work I arrived to Kauhava, for the Finnish nationals. The weather forecast looks pretty ok, but it is way more colder than it has been in the few previous contests.

It seems that we will have a nice set of pilots in Sportsman and Intermediate, so I will keep you updated of how the contest goes. This is the first time I am judging in the contest, so this is going to be very exciting. Then again, I got a lot of practice in Slovakia, with over 200 flights, although it was power and this is glider. Maybe I need to look at the rule book a bit more in the evening....

maanantai 22. elokuuta 2011

French anthem and the aftermath

On saturday morning we had some free time to do some souvenier shopping at the local Tesco and then it was time to get ready for the closing ceremony. We had lunch at the hotel and then went to the airfield where was a small airshow, and the prize giving ceremony. Have to say, now I definately know how the french anthem sounds like... heard it I think five times... The results of the contest are in Civa-Results, but I have to say, there are some VERY good pilots in France. Wonder why... But anyway, congratulations to the winners!

before the closing ceremony and prize givings, there was a small airshow, mainly it was the winners of the contest flying. After the ceremony, there was very nice dinner with several local delicaties and of course some wine and beer. Later in the evening there was a simulated dog fight, which was rather cool! They also used pyrotechnics there, and I think I got one or two nice photos of the event.

Sunday was a travelling day, and we started at 8 am from the hotel. PIK was great to give us a lift again to Vienna and after one change in Frankfurt, total of about 4 hours in an airplanes and 4 hours in a bus I was finally home almost at midnight...

Today (monday) I slept late (9.30 or so) and it has mostly gone by by doing laundry, and later on the afternoon I got a hell of a case (if you don't mind the expression, sorry for that) of  migrane headache again, that took me even to the hospital. I almost knew to expect it, it was the first (and last) day of my vacation and I didn't have ANYTHING to do or go officially :D
Well, after few hours in a hospital I am as good as new, and ready to go to work tomorrow.  I guess there are about million things waiting for me, and before that I still need to go through some photos from Dubnica...
So good night for now ;)

lauantai 20. elokuuta 2011

Mission accomplished.

Today we finnished the 2nd unknown program. Finally. Everyone started to get restless, it was really hard to concentrate from time to time but we pulled it off. 2870something marks given by each judge in this competition. That makes 213 flights all together. Including the warmups. Or not, I am not quite sure, but close anyway! That is a lot for a first timer. Especially when we did not have writers, or scraibs, so I had to do that also as an assistant. Reading the notes and writing down the marks at the same time, is quite challenging. And even more if you have to check the rolls at the same time, see what is going on in the sky... So basicly, multitasking.

Next weekend I will be judging myself, in glider nationals in Finland, which will be very interesting for me. It is a bit different, not so fast tempo flying and the rules and judging is a bit different than the power contest, so maybe next week I'll take the bus to work and study the glider rules before the competition.

I have to say, even I have spent an amazing summer, with two big competitions, it is good to get back home for a change. Honestly, I am a bit homesick. Only thing not so appealing, is the amount of laundry to do and on tuesday I have to go back to work. The one they are paying me for ;) And next weekend the nationals in Kauhava, will be great seeing all the friends and "my team from Poland" again. I have missed my friends in Kauhava (and in Pori of course)! Really looking forward to that, so in a way it is an easy way out, back to normal life.

Tomorrow we will have morning off, so it is time for some shopping, I need to get something to the kid at home and then we'll have an airshow, the closing ceremony, some fireworks was also promised and the closing dinner. And I definately hope that the thunderstorm we had this late evening will not come back for tomorrow.

perjantai 19. elokuuta 2011

few days to go...

now we have finnished the 3 first sequences, the Q, free and unknown. Today we had a long day again, and after lunch we made a small bet with few other judges (no money or anything, just the glory and admiration as a reward, yeah, lame, I know) about when we are going to stop for today. We had us, me and Kimmo, then we had the Swiss&german judge&assistant and the Hungarian, judge& assistant, so 6 people together, and Kimmo was the one who won, with the exact time. Of course the time was stopped, when our Chief judge blows the whistle after the last flight. THE moment, we were through for today.

Well, the unknown is finnished and tomorrow will start the second unknown, so that means again a lot of paperwork, new programs, trying to read them correctly to the judge and so on. I have to say, I have learned A LOT during this trip, but it is still going to take years to become a good judge. Anyway, I am on my way.

Since it was again a LONG day with a lot of sun and wind, I am going to get some sleep, but if you are interested, there are some photos AND video material on the contest website. I REALLY can recommend that you take a look, at least to the videos. Some of them are HILARIOUS! :D

Btw, I am serously getting worried about the "return to the real world"-thing... I don't want to, I could do this all the time. The athmosphere is relaxed and fun, the people are great and be... coffee does not cost that much.

So good night!

keskiviikko 17. elokuuta 2011

Slovakian style...

few words about the contest it self... Now we are passed the half way to get the contest valid. The Q-flight is done, so is the free program. We started today the 1st unknown, there are 8 different ones there, where every pilot has picked one, which they will fly. Already finnished the first group, meaning 18 pilots. The weather forecast is very promising, +27 for tomorrow, +28 for friday... should be able to finnish that, and maybe even fly the 2nd unknown.

But ok, I seriously have to tell you something about this place. The airfield is nice, it is located between some  highlands and the Carpathian mountains. Here the mountains are not that high, but as a finnish girl, I can really appreciate the view. Quite something we don't have back home. At the airfield the infra is quite nice, there is a big hangar, which does not accommodate all the airplanes, but at least some of them. There is also a briefing room, judges room, juryroom, a restaurant and so on. So the facilities are fair enough.

Which brings me to food. I have to say, the food is pretty good here. We have the breakfast in the hotel (which is pretty amazing, me having a room with a bedroom, livingroom, bathroom etc, in case I haven't mentioned). The breakfast is ok, but some of us are missing the bacon... :) There is plenty of fresh bread and all things, yogurt, cerials, etc. and very good coffee. Lunch is at the airfield  and there is normally a soup at first and then they will bring the "real food" to the table. Today it was some chicken, fried potatoes (no french fries, but those that you fry on the pan) and some veggies. We got some fresh watermelon to the judging line along with some "candy bars" with waffle and chokolate, along with coffee of course. Dinner was also in the "briefing room" and there were french fries and a "cheese steak". It was very nice. Most of the time there is to much food, that I can hardly finnish it, And normally I can't :)

Yesterday we ate at the local restaurant near to the hotel and whoa, I could live with a plate like that for few days at home... Excellent, must say. And what pleases me much, is that there were 8 of us having a dinner, some of us had starters, some of had desserts, there were few beers, some glasses of red wine, some water etc.... and for the 8 people, it costed 120 euros, so basicly you can eat a hell of a lot with 15 euros...

There is some videos you might want to check out also on the contest sites along with some photos. Just go to and from the gallery you'll find out more.

Well, should be getting some sleep, tomorrow will then flying continue...

Time flies, and so do they...

on tuesday we finnished the first 2 groups for the known program. This time I will upload some photos for you, now I got the first set done so here you are... :)

Getting ready at the judging position
 Having a quite nice view from there. Of course, with the thunderbox... :P
 At the opening ceremony
 The teams marched to front of the hangar...

and then we listened few speechees from Jury president, chief judge, contest director etc. etc.
 And few anthems of course

 a small cultural event
 and an "airshow" with parachutes
 and antonov

 some formation flying

and then to the main thing... the line up is quite nice...

 as well is the view

there, this for today, now I need to run again for the breakfast and then to airfield again. Still 20 more to go in free program.