maanantai 19. syyskuuta 2011

and few photos from last weekend

Just a few photos from last weekend...

First, the visitors...

Cirrus OH-GTS

OH-XXV "varttimarkka" PIK-25
Piper PA-28 OH-PAC

Cessna 152 OH-COA
Diamond DA-40 OH-DDA
Valmet Vinka OH-VAA
Beechcraft OH-BMH
A line up
Europa OH-XRT

Then the planes who participated the aerobatic camp ...

Tow plane for the gliders, Rallye OH-SED
Tow plane and a glider
ASK 21 OH-546 from Räyskälä, thanks for the loan!


and another of it...

OH-CBZ from Hyvinkää

And another Cessna OH-CGL with very nice paintjob. Or non excisting paintjob.

Christen Eagle OH-XEA
OH-XPF, Pitts Special

Raimo "the saint" Nikkanen, and the SMOKE ON! OH-XPA

OH-XRV and OH-XEZ, two Van's RV-8
 Then we also had some training for the airshows...

Fournier RF5 OH-383

And the two of them, OH-383 and OH-392

again, the same couple...

and the break up :)

This one was a real beauty, an old, perfectly restored Viima

 Oh yeah, about the photos. Taken by my 9-year old daughter...

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