Few photos from UK, pardon the quality, just got my phone with me....
On the way to Saltby... So close, and still so far away. What? Duxford and the Imperal war museum. Now I have driven pass it four times. Come on! Need. To. Find. Time. To. Visit!
This is how you know you have arrived to an airfield. Besides the gliders, this time you had to watch out for cows too. And rabbits. And hares. And Partridges. And Pheasants. And Queils. And Chris and Cindys dog, Sonny (which was one of the friendliest dogs I've seen in a while :D ) |
Chief Judge Bernard and Assistant Leif |
Judge Graham Saw and his temporary assistant Dietmar and his friend |
Judge Rod and his assistant. Which changed quite few times during the days. |
It was only Sunday morning, when we got a nice blue sky. But then the clouds came for a while so again a bit waiting...
THE Apple tree. When there was some low clouds, we did some shopping, and visited Sir Isaac Newtons home and THE apple tree. I mean, how excited can one be about an apple tree? But it is THAT apple tree!!! |
Sir Isaac Newtons home |
Not much photos taken about flying or that, so to the price giving ceremony.... |
Judge Graham and Contestant Chris |
Leif does his magic also outside judging line, guy takes incredible photos. Besides, I think at least one of his lences costs more than my car, so there was a bit of lence-envy in the air. In a good way tho :D |
Team France, Chief judge Bernard and Judge Rod |
These guys finished very close in points, less than 1 % difference, Paul and DJ |
And then the winners. Sportsman, Bronze, Steve Hardy (no photo) and Silver, Fran MacLoughlin, Ireland |
Sportsman, Gold, Alex Harris |
Intermediate, Bronze, Charles Baker |
Intermediate, Silver, David Gethin |
Intermediate, Gold, Peter Sharphouse |
Advanced, Silver, Chris Cain (only two contestants, so no Bronze medal was given out) |
Advanced, Gold, Adam Hoskin |
Unlimited, Bronze, DJ Gibbs |
Unlimited, Silver and UK Champion) Paul Conran |
And Unlimited Gold, Dietmar Poll, Austria |
And then we were on our way back and I just had to get a photo of that lovely architecture, so, so very English view over there.
On the way to the airport |
THANK YOU UK, UNTILL NEXT TIME (and France, Ireland and Austria too)
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