I think now it is over - untill spring. This weekend we'll have the last aerobatic camp for this year and I have to say this weekend has been a big surprise for all of us. In a good way.
The camp is held in Oripää, again, which has been found very good place to arrange things like this. Here is few small cottages and a big clubhouse, no bar or restaurant but the club offers very nice prices for breakfast and also something to eat for the evening. Lunch we normally have in some restaurant close the airfield but today the club offered some pea soup for all. Why, you might wonder. Well, today was also an "open house" for the
airfield and
airclub, and there were many planes visiting from other fields but also people drove here to see the place, meet people and watch flying. And there were many people.
I have to say, I was very pleased that we had several planes for the camp, 2xCessnas (OH-CBZ and (OH-CGL), 1xCap(OH-IAC), 2xPitts special (OH-XPF and OH-XPA), 1xChristen Eagle (OH-XEA), 1xRV8 (OH-XRV), 1x ASK21 (OH-546) and 1xAcro (D-6196). what did I forgot? Oh yes, 1xYak52 (OH-JAK) :)
A lot of pilots and everyone was smiling after the day. Most interesting part was, this was the first time we had gliders and power planes together, but we had a very good judge here to observe and give feedback for both, Timo Bartholdi. And I owe him a big thank you for also teaching me how to judge.
I was asked to monitor the airfield frequency since there is no atc ( I definately was NOT and air traffic controller, just observing and answering questions like "which runway is in use" and such).There was a lot of visitors coming by plane, I'd say 20-30 planes, at least, and that is a lot here. I mean A LOT! And that means a lot of traffic, a lot of talking on the radio and so on. But everyone flied well and everyone listened to others. One only problem with one plane was, that we heard that he was transmitting, but nothing came through... well, I went to him, we tested the equipment and the other headset he had onboard worked fine, so he could also return home (or continue his travel) safely. Problem solved. Although not much judging for me.
Even our
fournier duo practiced today and it was very beautiful. The planes are beauties and the pilots are professionals. Absolutely beautiful. We also saw old Finnish
Viima in the air, and a big radial engine is always nice to listen. Not to mention that the plane is also a very nice biplane. I would love to add some photos here, but I left the cord home so I can¨t get the photos from the camera to the computer :P
Ok, not much time spent judging, but a lot of time spent well at the airfield with good friends. I think one of the best things today was the expression on one pilots face - he was so happy. It was the first time he flied spins and loops with a Cessna. The expression on his face. The light and happiness and a biiiiiig smile. Just priceless.