First contest of the season for me outside Finland. This year I will attend all the World and European championships in Aerobatics. First EAAC in Deva, Romania. Then WAGAC/WGAC in Zbraslavice, Czech Republic and finally WAC in Chateauroux, France. CIVA will still organize the World Air Games in Dubai at the end of this year, but participation to this I have no idea...
It is also my first time as a jury memeber. In the last plenary meeting in Wroclaw, Poland I was nominated and then voted to the Jury of EAAC. I must say, that was a big surprise for me. That is why I am in Romania. First time, by the way.
For the WGAC I'll be a scoring judge. First time of that too. I also take my daughter there for the first time, will be her first World Championships too. I'll have an assistant from Czech, and we have been working together also before so that should work fine. At the same time I am extremely anxious to get to glider contest and at the same freaking out. I'm sure I'll do ok, but the thought of judging the worlds best aerobatic pilots the first time... Honestly that is scary.
For the WAC there is no such "first time" actually. I'll be assisting Kimmo again, that's my second Unlimited contest. First in France tho.... :)